In 1938, at the age of 24, Giovanni Mario Moro left his home town of Montemerlo in the province of Padua where he had been working as a stonecutter. He eventually ended up at the Pelganta quarry in Crodo and before long was engaged to Gina, the owner’s daughter.
The family business began in 1953 using erratic boulders.
Giovanni Mario Moro and his sons, Rino and Romeo, bought the quarry of Serizzo Antigorio in Crodo.
When the workshop for stone processing was set up in 1979, Moro Serizzo carried out every step of the operation – from quarrying to cutting and finishing. Over the years, Moro Serizzo has created objects and devised architectural solutions, with an eye to tradition, history, and the local environment, that use stone from the family quarry – Serizzo Antigorio.
The company expanded its production cycle to include the transformation and processing of Italian and international stone, alongside the long-established use of stone from the Ossola Valley.
Sixty years have elapsed since that love story and plans for a future together gave rise to the family business. Three women are at the helm of Moro Serizzo today: Mario and Gina’s daughter, Mariateresa, and her two daughters Raffaella and Tiziana.
Significant partnerships highlight MORO’s development. Collaboration with CUBEROOM design studio has resulted in the Contemporary collection – indoor and outdoor decorative furnishings designed with simplicity of line and shape in mind, all completely made in Italy.
Always attentive to changing times and the needs of everyday life, Moro places at the disposition of its clientele, whether they be the end users, architects, interior decorators or commercial contractors, all of our expertise. We offer the highest level of customisation of our products – in materials, workmanship and design solutions. Proposals can be adapted to the most varied environments, contemporary or traditional houses, and public spaces in a blend of superb craftsmanship and applied art.
The worlds of natural stone and fine art come together through partnerships that bring about the creation of sculptures, from the smallest to the megalithic, for international customers.
The company’s policy of sustainability is put into effect through research studying uses of waste sludge from stone cutting and processing, as well as through transformation of discarded stone into objects of art and design.
Moro Serizzo is lifeblood of Pietre Trovanti – the project which transforms imperfect and irregular stone offcuts into handcrafted objects of applied art and design.